Chapter 1

Henri & Compte d’Estaing

Savannah, Georgia September 1779

“Christophe…quite clever. That will be his surname.” The Admiral then addressed the sailor: “That is good thinking.” This put a smile not only on the burly sailor’s face, but on those of the other two, even though they’d provided no input.  

“As for his first name, that shall be Henri, after myself, so he can remember who saved his life on this day. So, this boy’s name is now Henri Christophe and you, sailor, are to spread the word to all on board that he is my property, and any harm that comes to him shall be addressed forthwith by me.” Looking once more toward the large sailor and changing his tone to one of business, the Admiral asked “Do you understand me?” 

The sailor shook his head, answering “Oui, Admiral.”

D’Estaing walked toward the slave boy and placed his hand under Henri’s chin. Raising it, he said in English “Let the world know that from here on out, you shall be named Henri Christophe, and claimed as a slave by Admiral Charles Henri Hector, Comte d’Estaing, who now appoints you a boy soldier for the Army of France under my command!”