Book Three

The Fall of Toussaint and Rise of Dessalines: 1799 - 1804

Napoleon Bonaparte thought he could tame the French colony of Saint Domingue in just three easy months to restore slavery, dissolve the multi-racial army, and restore Saint Domingue to the wealthiest plantation economy in the world.

The Saint Domingue expedition required over 100 vessels and 80,000 people. In less than two years, France lost the colony along with over 50,000 troops, including 20 competent generals, and treasury enough to force the sale of Louisiana to the United States.

Book Three of TRIUMPH TO TRAGEDY continues the riveting saga of Books One and Two and introduces Jean-Jacques Dessalines ... the Haitian Civil War ... the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte ...and the birth of the Haitian nation in 1804.

Brimming with romance, intrigue, war, and political betrayal, all three volumes are seductive page-turners that entertain and educate readers, countrymen, and history buffs alike. The story is hardly a fairy tale, as the factual events are all too true, recounting the circumstances and individuals purposely ignored or rewritten by world history texts for far too long.

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