African-Atlantic History Comes to Life
TRIUMPH TO TRAGEDY's three-book trilogy is the continuing chronicle of the first (and only!) successful slave revolution in the world, ultimately spawning the Republic of Haiti.
The story is hardly a fairy tale, as the facts are all too true. TRIUMPH TO TRAGEDY recounts the circumstances and individuals purposely ignored by world history texts for far too long. The books are brimming with romance, intrigue, war, and political betrayal; all three volumes are seductive page-turners that entertain and educate readers, countrymen, and history buffs alike.
Miscellaneous items of interest, stories, and opinions that I hope you will find interesting.
Daniel Bayard
Soldiers From What is now Haiti Fought Alongside Americans to Gain Independence
Statue in Downtown Savannah pays Tribute
Did you know that six Haitians were part of the famous Tuskegee Air Squadron?
Jean-Baptiste Chavannes and His Rebellion with Vincent Oge and their Philosophical Differences
Chavannes sparked the beginning of the slave freedom movement in Haiti