Triumph To Tragedy - Book One (epub file for eBook & Kindle)


ISBN: 9781088074220 / Publisher: L&D Publishing
Format: eBook / Publication Date: 11/30/2022
Page Count: 316 / Category: History | Caribbean & West Indies | Haiti
Language: English / Dimensions: 0.71(h) x 6"(w) x 9"(d)

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ISBN: 9781088074220 / Publisher: L&D Publishing
Format: eBook / Publication Date: 11/30/2022
Page Count: 316 / Category: History | Caribbean & West Indies | Haiti
Language: English / Dimensions: 0.71(h) x 6"(w) x 9"(d)

ISBN: 9781088074220 / Publisher: L&D Publishing
Format: eBook / Publication Date: 11/30/2022
Page Count: 316 / Category: History | Caribbean & West Indies | Haiti
Language: English / Dimensions: 0.71(h) x 6"(w) x 9"(d)

 Triumph to Tragedy, Book One, covers the roots of the revolution, stemming between the period of 1771-1793, through the love story of young Jean and Marie. Book Two inserts you into the action with Toussaint Louverture from slave to free man, plantation owner, the great military General of the Colonial Army, and finally Governor General of Saint Domingue. Both Book One and Two allow readers to follow the protagonists’ incredible triumph and later their heartbreaking tragedy, the effects of which can still be felt in present-day Haiti.