Jean & Marie Bayard in Triumph to Tragedy Book Four
Despite All Odds - Jean and Marie Survive and Thrive
By the time Book Four begins on New Year’s morning in 1804, Jean and Marie had carved out a solid life for themselves. They were introduced in Book One back in 1771 as the young 21-year-olds who fell in love during a steamy romance while Jean was in the French military at the time, on duty from the French territories in Louisiana to colonies in the Caribbean. Jean fought in the famed Battle of Savanna during the American Revolution.
Jean and Marie interact with emerging heroes of the time like Toussaint Louverture
While Jean was away, Marie gave birth to their son, Jean-Baptiste Junior, awaiting her love to come home. When he did, they began building a business ranging from import/export, a shipping company, and a luxury hotel during 30-years in a tumultuous colony that experienced an uprising, slave revolution, invasions by the Spanish and British armies and the rise of leaders like Toussaint Louverture, Henry Christophe, Alexandre Petion, and
The Final Defeat of the French Army - The Battle of Vertières
In Book Four, the Bayard family deftly navigates their personal lives, business endeavors, and the ever-shifting political landscape as the years pass. In a world where death and destruction loom at every turn, they will survive and thrive, determined to carve out their success despite all odds. Their days will be filled with calculated risks and strategic moves, each one bringing them closer to their ultimate goal of prosperity in a time of chaos.