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About the Story

TRIUMPH TO TRAGEDY Book One is the powerful love story of Jean and Marie as they navigate through the wonders and dangers of life in the French colony. It begins with the American Revolution in 1779 through the first Slave Uprising of 1791, ending in 1793.

TRIUMPH TO TRAGEDY's three-book trilogy is the continuing chronicle of the first (and only!) successful slave revolution in the world, ultimately spawning the Republic of Haiti. It's an ongoing battle that's still being fought to this day.

The story is hardly a fairy tale, as the factual events are all too true. TRIUMPH TO TRAGEDY recounts the circumstances and individuals purposely ignored by world history texts for far too long. The books are brimming with romance, intrigue, war, and political betrayal, all three volumes are seductive page-turners that entertain and educate readers, countrymen, and history buffs alike.

What People are Saying

“The ultimate non-fiction novel; riveting in its lustful and historic reveals” 

— Christopher Meigher; Former President of TIME-LIFE Inc.
& Owner of QUEST Magazine

Engrossing, thorough, skillfully written

A huge WOW!
This book was gifted to me and although I am not a fan of historical works I decided to give it a try. A wise choice! The story is juicy and pulls you right in, coupled with the deeply thorough and expertly woven history of Haiti, I hated having to put it down! I learned so much about the politics of the time, the social climate, and structure of Haiti. After reading this novel, my grasp of Haitian history is vastly changed and my perspective changed forever. For a debut novel, I am deeply impressed and anxiously awaiting the next edition. Bravo, Mr. Bayard!

— Laura A. Fiumara

A Great Non-Fiction Novel

Riveting non-fiction novel that captures an untold story of Haitian history and their triumphant revolution.

— Jordan Kremer

Precise and realistic details of those times.

Reviewed in the United States on July 17, 2023

Worthwhile read which kept me involved and realistic.

Now about today’s world……nice change!

— John Mark